IRC 2 project
Start Date
July 15, 2023
End Date
January 14, 2024
To enhance the well-being and health conditions of vulnerable populations through clean water, sanitation, and hygiene services while addressing malnutrition and health-related issues.
Enhance clean water, sanitation, and hygiene services for 6,600 individuals, strengthening protection against waterborne diseases, Improve the nutritional well-being of 2,111 children under five years old and 1,472 pregnant and lactating women, reducing morbidity and mortality linked to malnutrition, and enhance the health conditions of 3,200 individuals, including 1,472 females, reducing morbidity and mortality related to health issues.

Summary of the Project

This project addresses the urgent needs of eight Kebeles in Bokolomayo and Filtu Woredas, focusing on three key components: water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), nutrition, and health for drought and flood-affected communities. 

The project’s clients comprise 29,998 individuals aiming to reach out to these communities, making a significant impact by providing clean water access, constructing improved sanitation facilities, and distributing water purification tablets and WASH kits.

In the nutrition component, the project will carry out screenings to identify and address severe and moderate acute malnutrition cases in children under five years of age and pregnant and lactating women. The health component will provide vital medical consultation services, addressing childhood illnesses, reproductive health support, and adult illnesses, thus contributing to the overall well-being of the targeted communities.

This project is a comprehensive and vital initiative that, if executed effectively, can significantly improve these vulnerable communities’ living conditions and health.