Emergency response to flood-affected communities through the distribution of ES kitsand MPCT in Kelafo Woreda, Shebele Zone of Somali region

Emergency response to flood-affected communities

Project Title: – Emergency response to flood-affected communities through the distribution of ES kits and


Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) PAPDA, acknowledging the paramount importance of water, sanitation, and hygiene

UNFPA South Launching

UNFPA Funded Project -South

Project Title: – GBV prevention ,risk mitigation and response for communities affected by drought and

Irish Aid/IRC Funded Project #1

Project Title: – Emergency Response to draught and conflict affected vulnerable communities in Gura Dhamole, Kersa

IRC 2 project

Irish Aid/IRC Funded Project #2

Start Date July 15, 2023 Beneficiaries 29,998 End Date January 14, 2024 Goal To enhance

PAPDA-IRC-EHF Project #1

Project Title: – Integrated Multi-sectoral response to drought, conflict and cholera-affected Communities in Dawe Serer


Internally displaced people rehabilitation project

Internally displaced people rehabilitation project Guradhamole phase III Internally displaced people rehabilitation project Guradhamole phase



Project Title: – Assessing Conflict-Affected Communities’ Perceptions and Attitudes about Peace and Justice in Ethiopia


EHF/OCHA Funded Project #1 Project Title: – Emergency Comprehensive Agricultural Support: Revitalizing Drought-Affected Communities in

Provision of emergency assistance and

Project title Provision of emergency assistance and services to the drought affected population. Implementer Partnership