Peaceful understanding and Reconciliation for Pastoralists Livelihood Enhancement ( PURPLE)

Donor:Protestant Agency for Diakonia and Development (PADD)

Project Goal and Objectives

Project goal

Contribute to the inter-regional peace and stability among the community living along the administrative boundary between Somali and Oromia regions in Gorobekaksa, Dhekasuftu, and Moyale Woredas

Project Objective

Objective 1:

The peaceful co-existence among borderline neighboring communities in the Oromia, Somali, and Afar regions of Ethiopia is strengthened. 

Objective 2:

The community-based organizations CBOs/traditional leaders, advocate towards the decision-makers to influence policy-making processes regarding peaceful coexistence.  

Objective 3:

The livelihood of the target communities is improved

Project Area

The project is being implemented in Gorobekaksa and Dhekasuftu Woredas of Liban zone; and Moyale Woreda of Dawa zone; Somali Region; Ethiopia.

Project Beneficiaries

The direct beneficiaries of this project are the grass root level communities affected by the conflicts in respective target woredas.  Members of community based organizations, faith based organizations and traditional community leaders are direct beneficiaries of the interventions. In addition, the local government institutions will directly benefit from the interventions.  The total number of direct beneficiaries of the project will be 7,650 individuals out of which 42% are female.

Indirect beneficiaries of the project are neighbors of direct beneficiaries, their family members and communities in neighboring kebeles. The government peace and security structures will also indirectly benefit from this project as the outcomes of project interventions will improve the peace and security situation in the areas. The total indirect beneficiaries will be 66,000 individuals in 3 target woredas of the three regions, 0ut of which the share of the female population will be 42%

Major project activities and outputs

  1. The community awareness of peaceful co-existence strengthened
  2. Advocacy against major causes of inter-ethnic/inter boundary conflicts
  3. Livelihood Enhancement for Conflict-affected communities

Project Details

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