Project Title: – Assessing Conflict-Affected Communities’ Perceptions and Attitudes about Peace and Justice in Ethiopia

Start Date: – February 20, 2023

End Date: – December 31, 2023

Summary of the Project

The primary aim of this project is to conduct a comprehensive population-based survey in collaboration with Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI), and 12 government universities with the financial support of the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience (ICSC).  The survey focuses on assessing attitudes towards transitional justice and peacebuilding mechanisms in Ethiopia.

During the implementation phase of the survey, PAPDA collaborated with HHI and 12 government university focal persons to collect valuable insights from the population. This involves gathering information on respondents’ experiences during the conflict and their perspectives on potential avenues for peacemaking and transitional justice. 

The ultimate goal of this endeavor is to provide program implementers and policymakers with meaningful survey results that can inform their decision-making processes. This initiative seeks to contribute to the promotion of peace, justice, and reconciliation in Ethiopia.