December 15, 2022 
Contribute to improving access to nutritious food, water, health, and other essential needs; reduce the risk of malnutrition in targeted regions/woredas.
9806 (4569 female, 5070 male, 167 People With Disabilities)
End Date
June 14, 2023

Project Title: – Emergency Response to Draught and conflict affected vulnerable communities in Gura Dhamole, Kersa Dulla and Deka Suftu of Liban zone, Somali Regional State.

Update No:2


The objective of the initiative was to ensure the provision of sufficient and safe water for household purposes, enhance sanitation, and promote hygiene services for a target population of 6,600 individuals, including 2,850 females. 

900,000 liters of safe water have been distributed to 3,000 individuals (1,440 females) across the targeted kebeles in the three Woredas.


Safe Water distribution through water trucking

The project successfully secured access to clean water by implementing water trucking in six Kebeles and revamping the Bundakaran water scheme.

900,000 liters of safe water have been distributed to 3,000 individuals (1,440 females) across the targeted kebeles in the three Woredas. 

Extension of Bundakaran water scheme

Through rehabilitating the Bundakaren water supply scheme, 4,950 individuals (including 2,208 females), now have access to potable and sufficient water.


Presently, 6,806 people (including 3,164 females) and 5,400 livestock are secured with the advantages of rehabilitated and newly established water sources.

Extension of 2km water supply pipes for Dhugo sub-village in Bundakaran kebele

As per the project revision, an additional water supply pipeline was laid for a distance of 3.6 kilometers to extend from Bundakaran water scheme to Dungo sub kebele, and one water point with four taps was constructed to supply 312 households with a total of 1,872 individuals (955 females). 

Semi-permanent public latrine constructions at Adele and Towfik IDP sites of Guradamole and Kersa Dulla Woredas

The construction of four semi-permanent ventilated improved pit latrines has been finalized. These latrine blocks, featuring 16 pits and 8 shower rooms, cater to the needs of 1,200 individuals, with a specific focus on 600 females.

December 15, 2022 
Contribute to improving access to nutritious food, water, health, and other essential needs; reduce the risk of malnutrition in targeted regions/woredas.
16,108 (9,665 House Holds, 6,443 Internally Displaced People (IDPs), female = 8,216, male = 7,892; People With Disabilities  (PWD) = 252 (126 males and 126 females)
End Date
June 14, 2023

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