December 15, 2022 
Contribute to improving access to nutritious food, water, health, and other essential needs; reduce the risk of malnutrition in targeted regions/woredas.
16,108 (9,665 House Holds, 6,443 Internally Displaced People (IDPs), female = 8,216, male = 7,892; People With Disabilities  (PWD) = 252 (126 males and 126 females)
End Date
June 14, 2023

Project Title: – Emergency Response to Draught and conflict affected vulnerable communities in Gura Dhamole, Kersa Dulla and Deka Suftu of Liban zone, Somali Regional State.

Update No:1 Project Launching

The project launch took place across two distinct locations: Guradhamole and Deka Suftu. The event witnessed the active involvement of vital entities, including key line offices representing government partners, client communities, PAPDA staff, and the media.

Notable participants encompassed representatives from sector government offices, including 6 Woreda and Zonal administrators, 6 from Education, 9 from Health, 6 from Water, 3 from Finance, 3 from Youth and Sport offices, 6 community representatives, and 4 from NGOs. In total, 46 participants, with 5 females included, convened from three Woredas and Zonal offices.

During the launch, project objectives, outcomes, and activities were discussed, elucidating the roles and responsibilities of partners and stakeholders. Furthermore, crucial topics such as reporting requirements, project coordination, and related matters were discussed and shared among the actively engaged participants.

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