Weekly Update#3: August 29, 2024

This week has been incredibly productive! We’ve successfully completed data collection for the cash feasibility and market assessment, and we’re now preparing the report. Our teams are actively identifying and registering beneficiaries in five PAPDA kebeles(Galka’yo, Deyah, Shubo, Dhuurdheer, and Reebo ), with 200 beneficiaries identified in each. Additionally, we’ve secured a storage facility in Kelafo for ES kits, which were delivered today. Looking ahead to next week, we plan to finalize and share the assessment report, complete beneficiary registration, begin house-to-house beneficiary verification, and select a Financial Service Provider (FSP) for the MPCA program.

We have encountered challenges, such as flooding hindering access to certain sites, creating ideal conditions for mosquitoes, and logistical issues due to poor road infrastructure and remote locations. However, we are fully committed to overcoming these challenges and supporting the communities in need.

Delivery of ES Kits
Beneficiary Identification
Current situation in Dhurdhere

Stay with us for more updates!!!

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