Start Date
October 1, 2022
The project aims to contribute to UNFPA country program output Nos. 3 and 5.
End Date
December 31, 2023
Output No. 3
Strengthen the capacity of government and key stakeholders on the prevention and protection of GBV, provide services to survivors of GBV, and eliminate harmful practices in all settings.
Output No. 5
National and regional service delivery systems have strengthened their capacity to provide lifesaving sexual and reproductive health and gender-based Violence information and services for populations affected by the Crisis.

Update No:7

Protection/GBV/SRH Coordination Meeting

A GBV coordination meeting brought together stakeholders from 10 different offices across three Woredas—Kersa Dulla, Gura Dhamole, and Goro Bakaksa. These offices included Woreda Administration, Health, Security, Police, Justice, Court, Women Affairs, Sharia Court, and DRM. Six female participants were among the attendees, selected for their relevance to the ongoing project. The meeting delved into key topics such as updating GBV status and activating all relevant government sectors during reported cases. Discussions included strengthening government response when cases are reported. The primary goal of this coordination meeting was to assess the progress of the multi-sectoral approach and coordination efforts in implementing the project.

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