Start Date
October 1, 2022
The project aims to contribute to UNFPA country program output Nos. 3 and 5.
End Date
December 31, 2023
Output No. 3
Strengthen the capacity of government and key stakeholders on the prevention and protection of GBV, provide services to survivors of GBV, and eliminate harmful practices in all settings.
Output No. 5
National and regional service delivery systems have strengthened their capacity to provide lifesaving sexual and reproductive health and gender-based Violence information and services for populations affected by the Crisis.

Update No:5

Establish/strengthen Women to women’s support groups.

PAPDA established women-to-women support groups in three woredas of somali region target woredas , with 12 members each, to conduct awareness sessions, bridge the gap between the community and healthcare facilities, offer information on antenatal care, safe delivery practices, and postnatal care, and encourage women to seek proper medical attention. These groups also advocate for better nutrition and sanitation during pregnancy and breastfeeding, contributing to improved maternal and child health. women and girls benefited from the services provided by these support groups. 

Conduct adolescent peer-to-peer discussions on sexual and reproductive health.

peer-to-peer discussions targeted adolescents, aiming to empower them with knowledge for informed decision-making regarding their sexual and reproductive health. These

discussions provide a safe and relatable platform to openly address topics such as puberty, contraception, and STIs while working to reduce stigma, improveservice accessibility, and promote responsible sexual behaviour among peers.To strengthen RH demand creation, collaborative efforts were made with the participation of the Woreda Health Office and Women and Children Affairs Office from liben zone target woredas.

Support maternity waiting rooms and delivery rooms.

Three health centers from Liben zone target woredas has been provided with maternity waiting room materials including delivery coach ,Fetescope ,Speculum,Salter scale,Ambubag,Apron ,Kidney tray ,eye google,roll bandage , examination gloves and BP apparatus with statoscope to ultimately contributing to the well-being of mothers and newborns in these areas.

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