In the bustling Bardale IDP site, nestled in the heart of a resilient community of the Somali Region, Liben Zone Karsa Dulla Woreda lived Hasna Ibrahim Abdi. A mother of eight, with three boys and five girls, Hasna’s life was a tapestry of challenges and triumphs. Each day was a testament to her unwavering strength and determination to provide for her family.
Hasna’s journey took a transformative turn with the provision of essential items like blankets, sleeping mats, and solar lights, bringing much-needed relief from the Partnership for Pastoralists Development Association (PAPDA) with funds from the UNFPA. Recognizing the potential in Bardale’s women, PAPDA also enabled Hasna and others to create and sell traditional crafts.
Survivors of gender-based violence were also financially supported to help rebuild their lives, along with dignity kits for menstruation, which enabled women and girls to attend school and work without interruption. Weekly sessions on preventing gender-based violence and access to support services contributed to creating a safer community.
Hasna often expressed her deep gratitude for PAPDA’s transformative impact. “Thank you very much, PAPDA,” she would say, acknowledging it as a lifeline and a catalyst for change in Bardale.