Date: November 1, 2023

Location: PAPDA Headquarters

To enhance the capabilities of its Program department, PAPDA organized a comprehensive training on Proposal and Concept Note development on November 1, 2023. This initiative aimed to equip PAPDA’s staff with the necessary skills and knowledge to create proposals and practical concept effective notes that align with the organization’s mission and goals.

The training was meticulously planned to cover various aspects of proposal and concept note development, ensuring that staff gained a holistic understanding of the process. Participants were introduced to the perspectives and expectations of funding organizations. Much of the training was dedicated to project design, emphasizing the importance of a well-structured and logical approach. Participants gained insights into budget development, financial planning, and ensuring that funding requests are realistic and in line with project goals. The training included practical sessions on writing proposals and concept notes, focusing on clarity, conciseness, and persuasiveness.

The training marked a significant step in ongoing efforts to strengthen its Program department. It has equipped staff with the knowledge and skills required to develop high-quality proposals and concept notes.

PAPDA is committed to continual learning and growth. It will follow up on this training with regular workshops, reviews, and opportunities for staff to apply their knowledge to real projects.

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