Another important update of the week is that we had the privilege of working with Dientje van Dongen from UNFPA on reviewing and discussing the current ongoing UNFPA funded project “GBV prevention, Risk mitigation and response for communities affected by conflict and drought in Konso zone of SNNPR, karat and Segen zuriya woredas and Liben zone of somali region Gorobeqeksa,Guradamole and kersadula woredas” and assessing the progress made in the past 3 quarters.  

Before the discussion, our GBV and public health officer Hanna Aderaw presented the progress so far in PPT form on project progress providing a platform for discussion. There was a common understanding that the progress is good and the need to exert maximum effort for the remaining activities in this last quarter.

The meeting also served as a platform for reviewing the previously developed work plan for 2024 with some immediate inputs and a few pending issues to be resolved during the upcoming planning period, accordingly the working document for 2024 was extensively improved.

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