Project Title: – Emergency Response to draught and conflict affected vulnerable communities in Gura Dhamole, Kersa Dulla and Deka Suftu of Liban zone, Somali Regional State.

December 15, 2022 
Contribute to improving access to nutritious food, water, health, and other essential needs; reduce the risk of malnutrition in targeted regions/woredas.
16,108 (9,665 House Holds, 6,443 Internally Displaced People (IDPs), female = 8,216, male = 7,892; People With Disabilities  (PWD) = 252 (126 males and 126 females)
End Date
June 14, 2023

Six days capacity building training on proper maternal infant and young children feeding (MIYCF)

From March 19-28, 2023, PAPDA successfully trained 50 health workers and extension workers in Dekasuftu, Kersadula, and Guradamole. The participants, including 24 females, underwent a comprehensive five-day training covering key areas such as counseling skills, recommended feeding practices, breastfeeding techniques, and strategies for addressing common difficulties. The training also focused on feeding guidelines for different scenarios, including sick children, and provided insights into nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding. 

Based on the post-training assessment, participants proved that they were equipped with knowledge on utilizing effective counselling and correct techniques for exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding. The result also showed that they gained insights into specialized feeding practices necessary for sick or recovering children to promote optimal nutrition and recovery.


Provide nutritional counseling and cooking demonstrations for mothers/caregivers and community members 

The project successfully implemented nutrition interventions and community education in three woredas. It aimed to improve infant and young child feeding practices, provide nutrition counseling, and raise awareness on topics like antenatal and postnatal care, disease prevention, sanitation, hygiene, breastfeeding, and Infant and young child feeding (IYCF).

A total of 1,050 mothers/caretakers benefited from nutrition counseling and 24 cooking demonstrations featuring locally available foods. Collaboration with woreda health offices facilitated sessions promoting proper feeding practices for infants and young children.

House-to-House Visits and community awareness creation

Outreach social workers conducted house-to-house visits to provide nutrition and health-related education in the three woredas. A total of 5,421 clients, including 4,288 females, received valuable information. Community awareness creation programs were conducted in the three woredas, reaching out to 18,375 participants. Among the participants, 13,510 (74%) were females.

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