On August 7, 2024, Papda was briefed by Rabia Bedru, PAPDA’s legal advisor, on Ethiopian laws concerning civil society organizations.

The briefing addresses the following matters: –

  • Training on capacity building for the management team and officers of PAPDA is also needed.

  • An orientation about software that would help organization members easily access legal matters concerning CSOs.

    A group of women sitting at a table Description automatically generated

  • The management team needs an overview of the CSO laws and orientation on accessing them.

  • CSO proclamation No 1113/2019

  • CSO Administrative Expense Implementation Directive 847/2021

  • Liquidator, procurement, sale & disposal of assets of CSOs No 850/2021

  • Directive conflicts of interest 939/2022

  • Administration of Civil Society Fund Directive 2/022

  • CSO income generating active 937/2022

  • Procurement and asset disposal based on the ACSO directive.

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