GBV services and support for individuals with special needs: 2494 persons (1747 females)

ToT for 34 participants (17 female) on basic concepts of GBV for relevant actors and project staff

A Training of Trainers (ToT) session was organized in Harodibe town, where 40 (15 females,) multi-sectorial service providers, were trained intensively for 5 consecutive days on GBV prevention and response. The objective was to equip these service providers with comprehensive knowledge and skills in addressing gender-based violence (GBV) effectively within their respective sectors.

The training covered various crucial aspects of GBV prevention and response, including;

  • Distinguishing between gender and sex, understanding power dynamics and violence, and recognizing different types of GBV
  • Guiding principles and case management techniques.
  • General overview of GBV and
  • The causes and consequences of GBV were extensively discussed to provide a holistic understanding of the issue.

Celebrate 16 days of activism and March 8 to reach 2400 participants (1700 female) with messages on GBV and gender equity

The celebration commenced with a speech from the head of the Woreda Women’s and Children’s Affairs Office, who disseminated key messages on the prevention and response to gender-based violence (GBV). The event also included artistic presentations, such as poems, dramas, and local music, performed by the Woreda Youth Leagues, highlighting the significance of the 16 Days of Activism

During the panel discussion, two main topics were addressed:

  • Participants discussed the prevalence and impact of GBV within the woreda, raising awareness about the various forms of violence experienced by women and girls.
  • Types of GBV Practiced in the Woreda: specifically forced and early marriage and denial of resources:

These discussions shed light on the challenges faced by women and girls in the woreda, particularly concerning GBV and gender inequality. The event served as a platform for raising awareness, fostering dialogue, and advocating for positive change within the community.

Stay tuned for regular updates as we reach key milestones and create lasting change in our community.

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