Kund IDP site reservoir

Construct 3 water points, 3km pipeline extension, 75m3 reservoir, and one cattle trough at   Kundi site; 343 (50% female) HHs

In Kundi Kebele, the Kundi IDP site and the host community depend solely on the Kundi Kebele borehole as their primary water source. This borehole, crucial for both communities, was drilled and constructed by the Partnership for Pastoralists Development Association (PAPDA), funded by the Gura community. Situated 1.5 kilometres from the community center, the borehole boasts a depth of 40 meters and a discharge rate of 4 liters per second.

To facilitate water storage and distribution, PAPDA installed two fiberglass elevated tankers, each with a capacity of ten thousand Liters, alongside a water point equipped with four faucets near the borehole. However, due to prolonged use without rehabilitation, both the tankers and the water point have fallen into disrepair.

In response, PAPDA constructed a 75m³ reservoir at the highest point of the pipeline, located 700 meters from the borehole. This reservoir, constructed using sandwich concrete, serves as a critical storage facility, ensuring a reliable supply of water to the communities despite the challenges posed by the deteriorating infrastructure

5.3.2 Construct 4 ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) latrines for 4 schools to benefit 520 (300F)

In response to the sanitation needs of the communities in Guradhamole Woreda, PAPDA undertook the construction of four blocks of VIP communal latrines. These were strategically placed, with two blocks situated at the Abdibelay IDP site and the remaining two at the Kundi IDP site.

Each IDP site’s community center received one block of communal latrines, capable of servicing approximately 20 individuals per day. Additionally, within the educational facilities of both IDP sites, two blocks of communal latrines were erected specifically for use by students and teachers. These latrines were designed to accommodate the needs of approximately 20 students and 15 teachers daily. Each latrine block, regardless of location, featured identical dimensions of 3.50m x 3.50m x 3m, comprising two separate compartments, one for men and the other for women.


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