Kaliya is a 16-year-old girl from Kena Woreda in the Konso Zone of Ethiopia. After the death of her father when she was just 14, she was forced to move in with her uncle. This transition marked the beginning of a harrowing chapter in her life.
Her uncle, who was supposed to be her guardian, subjected her to relentless physical and sexual abuse. He beat her regularly and denied her the chance to attend school. Kaliya vividly recalls the most traumatic day: “I remember it like it was yesterday. My uncle was drunk, as he often was. He approached me, and I thought he was going to beat me again. But this time, it was different. He began tearing my clothes. I tried to scream, but he choked me and raped me.”
Terrified and feeling helpless, Kaliya was threatened by her uncle to keep silent, fearing for her life if she reported the abuse. However, hope came when she learned about peer-to-peer adolescent group sessions conducted by the Partnership for Pastoralists Development Association (PAPDA) with funds from the UNFPA in her village. These sessions provided a safe space for young people to share their experiences and learn about available support services. Intrigued and desperate for help, Kaliya decided to attend one of the sessions.
During the session, Kaliya discovered that PAPDA, funded by UNFPA, provides comprehensive support to GBV survivors, including financial assistance for medical, legal, and accommodation fees. Inspired by other survivors’ stories, she reported the abuse she endured. She quickly received counseling, was referred to medical professionals, and was provided with legal aid to seek justice against her uncle. Recognizing the importance of education in breaking the cycle of abuse, she was also helped to re-enroll in school, giving her a renewed sense of purpose and hope for the future.
Today, Kaliya is a determined and ambitious young woman. She dreams of finishing her education and becoming a police officer. Her goal is to rescue other girls who, like her, have suffered in silence. Kaliya’s journey from a terrified, abused girl to a hopeful, empowered young woman is a testament to her incredible strength and resilience