IRC 2 project
Start Date
July 15, 2023
End Date
January 14, 2024
To enhance the well-being and health conditions of vulnerable populations through clean water, sanitation, and hygiene services while addressing malnutrition and health-related issues.
Enhance clean water, sanitation, and hygiene services for 6,600 individuals, strengthening protection against waterborne diseases, Improve the nutritional well-being of 2,111 children under five years old and 1,472 pregnant and lactating women, reducing morbidity and mortality linked to malnutrition, and enhance the health conditions of 3,200 individuals, including 1,472 females, reducing morbidity and mortality related to health issues.

Update No: 3 – Making Strides in Nutrition and Capacity Building

We’re excited to bring you the third update on our nutrition-focused endeavors. Let’s dive into the impactful initiatives that have unfolded in Update No: 3.

Nutrition Screening and Swift Action:

  • Screened 5,723 clients, identifying 2,169 for acute malnutrition.
  • 86 children (6-59 months) enrolled in Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) management programs.
  • 908 children (6-59 months) and 1,172 pregnant and lactating women (PLW) linked to Targeted Supplementary Feeding Programs (TSFP).

Expertise Strengthening:

  • 43 health workers, including 19 females, were trained in the Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM) training.
  • The training covered key areas like malnutrition assessment, admission/discharge criteria, and program management.
  • Positive feedback reflects improved understanding and enhances technical capacity.

Empowering Health Workers, Transforming Lives!

Our ongoing commitment to health and expertise continues to make a positive impact. Stay tuned for more updates as we work towards a healthier future for all!

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