Weekly Update#2: August 22, 2024

This week, we accomplished the following: – Completed staff requirements and held an introductory meeting with the new PAPDA staff in the field. – Conducted a transparent introductory meeting in Kelafo Woreda with 25 participants(5 female), including representatives from government offices (Woreda
Administrator, DRM, Health, WoCA, Cooperative, Feedback and Complaint Office, Party Office,
Peace and Security Office), as well as representatives from the Trade and Investment Office,
IDPs, clan leaders, religious leaders, women, PWDs, youth, and community elders’
Representatives to ensure everyone understood the selection process criteria. – Data collection for cash feasibility and market assessment is currently underway. – Sent a stock withdrawal request to IOM and finalized ES kits’ truck advertisement and delivery agreement.

Stay tuned for more update.

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