Project Title: – Assessing Conflict-Affected Communities’ Perceptions and Attitudes about Peace and Justice in Ethiopia

Start Date: – February 20, 2023

End Date: – December 31, 2023

Update No: 3- Validation workshop

PAPDA successfully facilitated a two-day in-person validation workshop conducted for university focal points on August 23-24, 2023, in Addis Ababa. The session was led by HHI, and it was attended by a total of 18 people (3 females) from 12 university focal points, 1 con-investigator, 1 HHI, and 4 PAPDA staff. During the opening remarks, the PAPDA Program Manager warmly welcomed the focal persons from various universities and thanked the focal point for contributing to the data collection process.

Over the course of the two-day validation workshop, several topics were covered, including Presentation of findings concerning socio-demographics, priorities, information, security, peace, social cohesion, reconciliation, rights, root causes, exposure to violence, trauma, measures for victims, accountability, and mechanisms, Open-ended responses through the Kobo Survey and Discussion of recommendation.

As the workshop drew to a close, both HHI and PAPDA extended their appreciation to the focal point for their participants in the survey data collection process and formally closed the program.

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