This week, PAPDA successfully completed an independent house-to-house beneficiary verification in five kebeles. A total of 19 beneficiaries were replaced in Reboot (6), Dhurdhere (4), Shubo (4), Deqsuge/Galka’ayo (3), and Hara’ad (Deyah) (2). Reasons for replacements included double registration, not meeting selection criteria, non-residency, and connections to committee members.

Of the 1,000 targeted households, 827 (82.7%) were verified door-to-door, while 173 (17.3%) were verified through community methods due to flooding.

Next Steps

  • Signing an agreement with Awash Bank as our Financial Service Provider (FSP).

Flooding hindered access to some villages, but we adapted with community-based verification.


During house-to-house verification

Stay tuned for more updates!

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