On Thursday, September 5, 2024, PAPDA participated in Partners’ Day hosted by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) at the Inter Luxury Hotel, Addis Ababa. The event featured a presentation on IRC’s Strategic Action Plan emphasizing localization and discussed partner localization experiences, where PAPDA’s Executive Director Abdulkadir Mah was actively involved. Additionally, the day encompassed a group session that tackled key topics such as partnerships, capacity sharing and visibility, participation, and coordination mechanisms.

For PAPDA, the day served as an opportunity to reflect on its project successes and present its achievements through a booth displaying project pictures and videos of successful emergency and development initiatives funded by IRC and other donors. The event was an excellent platform for networking and exploring the growing importance of the localization agenda within Ethiopia’s humanitarian sector. PAPDA proudly showcased its impactful work as a key strategic partner and reaffirmed its commitment to advancing localization in humanitarian efforts.

#IRC #Localization #PartnersDay #PAPDA

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