Training on Procurement and Fixed Asset administration manual with relevant ACSO Directives

PAPDA conducted a training session on November 29th, 2023, at its headquarters for its Procurement and Finance staff, concentrating on Procurement, Fixed Assets, and Annual Financial Reports.  The objective of the training was to stream PAPDA’s procurement and fixed asset

Google Workspace and Grammarly Training at PAPDA Head Office

Following the November 13th training, PAPDA’s Program, Operation, and Finance staff took training on Google Workspace and Grammarly today, November 28th, 2023. The training session was designed to empower staff and enhance collaboration and efficiency within the organization. As the

PAPDA, Wako Gutu Foundation and PURPLE Project Coordinator’s Gathering

On November 25, 2023, a gathering took place at the Desalegn Hotel involving senior management from PAPDA, the Wako Gutu Foundation, and the Peaceful Understanding and Reconciliation for Pastoralists Livelihood Enhancement (PURPLE) Project’s  coordinator. During this meeting, the accomplishments and

Irish Aid/IRC-Funded Project #2 Update No. 5

Start Date July 15, 2023 Beneficiaries 29,998 End Date January 14, 2024 Goal To enhance the well-being and health conditions of vulnerable populations through clean water, sanitation, and hygiene services while addressing malnutrition and health-related issues. Objectives Enhance clean water,

PAPDA and MISEREOR Partnership Meeting

On November 24th, 2023, a meeting occurred at the Ramada Hotel between representatives of PAPDA and MISEREOR. The gathering commenced with the introduction of the five participants, setting the stage for a collaborative and fruitful discussion. Each participant brought a

Irish Aid/IRC-Funded Project #2 Update No. 4

Start Date July 15, 2023 Beneficiaries 29,998 End Date January 14, 2024 Goal To enhance the well-being and health conditions of vulnerable populations through clean water, sanitation, and hygiene services while addressing malnutrition and health-related issues. Objectives Enhance clean water,

Desk Evaluation by ACSO Team at PAPDA Head Office

This week marked a significant milestone for PAPDA as we welcomed two officers from ACSO (Authority for Civil Society Organization) support and service desk for a comprehensive desk evaluation at our headquarters on November 16, 2023. The evaluation had a

PAPDA-UNFPA Catch-Up Meeting

Another important update of the week is that we had the privilege of working with Dientje van Dongen from UNFPA on reviewing and discussing the current ongoing UNFPA funded project “GBV prevention, Risk mitigation and response for communities affected by

Advancing Excel Skills: Continued Data Management Training

Following the success of our October 31, 2023, training, we have seamlessly advanced our staff’s proficiency in Data Cleaning, Validation, and Organization in Excel. On November 15, 2023, our Program, Finance, and Operation teams further honed their skills in advanced

Dignity kits Distribution- Somali Region, Liben Zone, Gorobakaksa, Guradhamole and Kersadulla Woredas

Launching Start Date October 1, 2022 2 Outputs The project aims to contribute to UNFPA country program output Nos. 3 and 5. 3 Beneficiaries 39,269 Ended End Date December 31, 2023 2 Output No. 3 Strengthen the capacity of government