Privacy policy

Respecting your privacy

PAPDA is committed to protecting the privacy of everyone involved with our organization, including donors, subscribers to our mailing lists, and visitors to our website. This commitment is fundamental to how we operate and is reflected in our Privacy Policy. The following policy outlines how we handle information provided to us by visitors, both online and through other means.

Ownership and Operation:

The website is the property of and is operated by PAPDA. We acknowledge the importance of privacy for users of our site and aim to be transparent about how we collect, use, and safeguard personal information.

Privacy Commitment:

PAPDA values the trust of our supporters and recognizes the need to ensure the privacy of the sensitive information shared with us. We are dedicated to protecting your privacy and treating your personal information with the utmost care and respect.

Information Collection and Use:

Our Privacy Policy informs you about the types of information we might collect during your visit to our website and through other interactions with PAPDA. It also explains how we might use that information.

Contacting Us:

Should you have any inquiries or concerns about our Privacy Policy or the treatment of your personal information, please feel free to contact us through We are available to address any questions or feedback regarding our privacy practices.

Our commitment to privacy is a core aspect of our operations, and we strive to maintain the highest data protection standards. Thank you for your trust in PAPDA.

Information collected by PAPDA

    On our website, we do not collect personally identifiable information from individuals unless they provide it to us voluntarily and knowingly. This means we do not require you to register or provide information to us in order to view our site. PAPDA only gathers personally identifiable information, such as names, addresses, zip/postal codes, email addresses, phone numbers, etc., when voluntarily submitted by a visitor. For example, personally identifiable information may be collected in order to respond to a stated desire to apply for a position, volunteer time to PAPDA, make a donation or sign up to be part of a PAPDA mailing list.

Like most other Internet sites, our web server automatically recognizes certain information about your device when you visit our website. This information includes your browser type and operating system, web pages on our website that you view, links you click, your device’s IP address, the length of time you visit our website, and the referring URL or the webpage that led you to our website. We use the information we automatically collect to help diagnose problems with our server, to improve the content of our website, and for our online marketing efforts.

We may share your information, including personal information, as follows:
Affiliates: We may disclose the information we collect from you to our affiliates or subsidiaries; however, if we do so, their use and disclosure of your personally identifiable information will be subject to this Policy.
Service Providers: We may disclose the information we collect from you to vendors, service providers, consultants, contractors, or agents who perform functions on our behalf, such as hosting our website and processing payments. PAPDA requires that all service providers hold personal information in strict confidence.
Non-affiliated Charities and Not-for-Profit Organizations: We may disclose certain information that we collect with other not-for-profit and charitable organizations for their own fundraising purposes. You may opt out of such sharing as described in the Opt-Out Policy section below.

We may also share information in the following circumstances:

Business Transfers: Suppose we may be acquired by or merged with another organization, including a non-profit or a for-profit entity. In that case, if substantially all of our assets are transferred to another organization or as part of a bankruptcy proceeding, we may transfer the information we have collected about you to the other organization.
In Response to Legal Process: We may disclose the information we collect from you to comply with the law, a judicial proceeding, a court order, or other legal process, such as in response to a court order or a subpoena.
To Protect Us and Others: We may disclose the information we collect from you where we believe it is necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person, violations of our Terms and Conditions, or this Policy, or as evidence in litigation in which we are involved.
Aggregate and De-Identified Information: We may share aggregate, anonymous, or de-identified information with other entities for marketing, advertising, research, or similar purposes.

Opt-out policy

If you provide us with your postal address, email address, or phone number, you may receive periodic communications from PAPDA containing information about our programs and services. If you prefer not to receive postal mail, email, or phone calls from us in the future, or if you wish for us not to share your information with other not-for-profit and charitable organizations for their own fundraising efforts, please inform us by sending your request via email to

Exceptions to opt-out policy

PAPDA may disclose personal information if required by law or a regulatory authority. Furthermore, we may need to disclose personal information in special cases when we have a reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact, or take legal action against someone who may be causing injury or interference (either intentionally or unintentionally) with PAPDA’s rights or property, PAPDA’s supporters, or anyone else who such activities could harm. 

Protecting your information

We have implemented reasonable precautions to protect the information we collect from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

PAPDA’s online donation site has security measures to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of information under our control. We have implemented measures designed to secure the collection and transmission of sensitive user information, including credit card information, using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption technology. This method adheres to industry-standard security protocols and makes it difficult for unauthorized individuals to intercept your credit card information. However, please be aware that no data security measures can guarantee 100% security.

Credit card numbers are not stored on any PAPDA servers. In PAPDA’s software applications, credit card numbers are replaced with reference tokens to process future transactions (e.g., for recurring gift pledges). PAPDA’s staff cannot access your credit card information at any time.

If you prefer to give it by mail, please send your check to PAPDA, PO Box 053, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. If you want to make a credit card donation by phone, call +251911080964.

How we use “cookies”

Visitors should know that PAPDA’s website may automatically collect non-personal information and data through “cookies.” Cookies are small text files that a website can use to recognize repeat visitors, facilitate visitors’ ongoing access to and use of the site, and allow a site to track usage behavior and compile aggregate data that will facilitate content improvements.

Cookies are not programs that come onto visitors’ systems and damage files. Generally, cookies assign the visitor a unique number outside the assigned site without meaning. If a visitor does not want information collected through cookies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows the visitor to deny or accept the cookie feature. For more information about disabling cookies, refer to the “help” or “customer support” section of your specific browser application.

PAPDA uses cookies and other online tracking technologies to enhance visitors’ online experience and facilitate their navigation within our site, to understand better how visitors engage with our website, and to assist in our online marketing initiatives.

We employ automated tools and applications, such as Google Analytics, to analyze the usage of our site. These tools help us improve our site’s performance and enhance our users’ experience. These services may utilize cookies and other tracking technologies like web beacons or local storage objects (LSOs) to conduct their services. To learn more about Google’s privacy practices, you can review the Google Privacy Policy. For those who wish to opt out from having their data used by Google Analytics, Google provides an Opt-out Browser Add-on.

In our efforts to serve ads on third-party sites or media (e.g., social networking platforms), we work with network advertisers. This approach allows us and these advertisers to target ads that interest you. Ad network providers, advertisers, and other services may employ cookies, JavaScript, web beacons, and other tracking technologies to measure ad effectiveness and personalize ads to you. The privacy policies of these entities, not ours, govern these cookies and technologies. We might share your information, including personal information, with these advertisers to help target ads more effectively.

Specifically, we share certain information (like your email address) with services like Facebook Custom Audiences and Google for targeted advertising. This helps us direct ads and content that match your interests across third-party websites or media. For those interested in opting out of such targeted advertising, options are available through Facebook’s ad preferences and Google’s advertising opt-out settings.

International Personal Information

The General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’) is a regulation enacted by the European Union that governs the use and processing of personal information of individuals within the European Union. It has been in effect since May 25, 2018. PAPDA is dedicated to handling your information in accordance with GDPR standards, where applicable.

We commit to using reasonable efforts to securely process all personal information in alignment with the rights outlined by the GDPR, especially with regards to:

  • Access to your personal information;
  • Correction of the personal information that we hold about you;
  • Deletion of your personal information;
  • A restriction on the processing of your personal information;
  • Transfer of your personal information to another entity; or
  • Objection to the processing of your personal information, mainly if the processing is based on PAPDA’s legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and your specific situation, leads you to oppose such processing.

Your information will be handled as outlined in this Privacy Policy. PAPDA is committed to ethically collecting and processing your data, as our work is crucial for addressing humanitarian crises and aiding communities towards resilience and self-reliance. This commitment aligns with our goals without compromising your rights, ensuring a lawful basis for using your personal information as part of our mission to support vulnerable populations.

Links to third-party sites

Our website might link to other sites for certain services and materials. Our Privacy Policy does not cover these third-party sites. PAPDA isn’t accountable for their privacy practices or content, even if our branding is visible. We advise reviewing third-party privacy policies before engaging with their services or programs.

Children’s Privacy

PAPDA does not intentionally collect information from children under 13. Visitors under 13 should seek help from a parent or guardian when using PAPDA’s website and refrain from submitting personal information.

Change To Policy 

PAPDA reserves the right to update this Privacy Policy without prior notification. We encourage regular review of the policy for any changes. The last update was on February 20, 2023.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact:

Partnership for Pastoralists Development Association (PAPDA)
Ethio-China Road, Dire-dawa Tower 6th Floor
Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Phone: +251-920343854

By using PAPDA’s website, you’re agreeing to our Privacy Policy. If we update the policy and you keep using the site, you accept the changes.

However, you’re not required to share any personal information with PAPDA if you choose not to. Suppose you’re uncomfortable with how PAPDA uses your personal information. In that case, you can opt-out or avoid using specific services or features on the website that require your personal information.