IRC audit

Building Strengths, Enhancing Capacity: PAPDA’s Partner Capacity Assessment with IRC

On April 24, 2024, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) conducted a comprehensive Partner Capacity Assessment (PCA) at the PAPDA head office. This assessment was a valuable opportunity for PAPDA to showcase its organizational strengths and receive feedback from the IRC team. The assessment covered various aspects of the organization including the governance system, program quality, human resource management & finance and accounting system, monitoring and evaluation, supply chain, safe programming, and partnership.

During the assessment, each department had the opportunity to present its operational processes, systems, and challenges. The IRC team asked insightful questions and offered constructive feedback to assist PAPDA in enhancing its operations and capacity.

Overall, the Full PCA was a valuable exercise for PAPDA and the IRC partnership. It allowed PAPDA to gain a deeper understanding of its strengths and areas for improvement. Moving forward, PAPDA will use the findings to develop targeted support and capacity-building plans to ensure it is well-equipped to implement the upcoming BHA Ethiopia RRM project effectively.

We would like to extend our appreciation to the IRC team for their professionalism and collaboration throughout the assessment process. We look forward to further strengthening our partnership and working together towards our shared goals of improving humanitarian response in Ethiopia.

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