Project Title: –  Integrated Women Protection and Empowerment Project (IWOPEP) in Boklomayo Refugee Camp

November 1, 2010
The IWOPEP Project has three main components 1)GBV prevention and response 2)creating alternative income generating activities 3)building the capacity of PAPDA and its community level partners.
Bokolmayo Wereda in 12 zones
End Date
April 30, 2013

Summary of the Project

The Integrated Women Protection and Empowerment Project (IWOPEP) in Boklomayo Refugee Camp, funded by the Royal Danish Embassy, aims to:

  1. Increase Capacity to Prevent and Respond to SGBV: Enhance the capacity of both the refugee and host communities to effectively prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) to 75%.
  2. Raise Women’s Daily Income: Improve the daily income of poor women by 20%.

The program’s timeline was from November 1, 2010 up to April 30, 2013


PAPDA established and strengthened community action teams (CATs) in each camp zone, each consisting of 10 members from diverse groups. These CATs received training on SGBV prevention and response and supported income-generating activities (IGAs). The project successfully enhanced SGBV prevention and response, increased women’s incomes, and improved PAPDA’s implementation capacity.

  • Community-Based Incident Reporting:

    • Established grassroots groups and anti-GBV clubs for reporting GBV incidents.
    • Social workers and GBV officers provide psychosocial support and medical treatment.
    • GBV manager records incidents for internal use and UNHCR reporting.
  • Community Dialogue:

    • Conducted twice a month in 14 zones (12 in the refugee camp, 2 in the host community).
    • 112 dialogues held from January 1 to April 30, 2013, with 5600 participants.
  • Quarterly Mass Awareness Events:

    • Held music, drama, poem, and Q&A competitions every three months.
    • Focused on GBV risks and solutions, involving 2500 refugees.
  • Annual Sports Competitions:

    • Organized volleyball and football competitions.
    • Provided rewards and involved 1,500 refugees and staff members.
  • Facilitating Legal Response for SGBV Survivors:

    • PAPDA reports court cases to ARRA and UNHCR.
    • Awareness activities conducted among host community leaders to address perpetrators.
  • Facilitating Medical Treatment and Psychosocial Support:

    • 55 SGBV survivors received services, all female.
    • 47 survivors received counseling, and 21 received medical treatment.
    • Incidents include forced marriage, physical assault, and psychological violence, with actions taken by PAPDA and referrals to relevant authorities.
  • Regular Meetings and Follow-up for IGA Beneficiaries:

    • 24 monthly meetings conducted with loan committees.
    • IGA officer followed up on small-scale business performance.
    • Loans collected from previous beneficiaries and redistributed.